UPDATED  11/16/2019                 WELCOME Page               
Past Annual Meetings

Thank you to the NODA members who joined us for the September 22, 2017 NODA Annual Open Meeting After dinner and refreshments (provided by NODA), the meeting began with Executive Board Nominations being accepted for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Directors at Large.   We are pleased to share that we have a full slate of nominees for election by NODA members in October.    NODA President, Dee Liebenthal, will report on the meeting in the October NODA News, President's Letter.            Meeting Flyer                      Executive Board Job Descriptions

BOARD MEETINGS          These meetings are open to all NODA Members!

oard Meetings are the second MONDAY of each Month
6 to 8 pm at  Panera Bread, Kruse Road, Solon Ohio. 

he agenda for these monthly meetings include Reports from Officers and Committee Chairpersons,
New Business, Questions, Concerns.   Questions?  Contact


Board Meeting at Panera in Solon Ohio
Recognize anyone?   Meetings at Panera include the opportunity to enjoy tasty Panera goodies!

Pictured L-R  Gail Patton, Mary Jo Keptner, Linda Cooley, Carol Cassano, Berni Moauro, Lora Szloh, Dee Liebenthal,
Kathy Kirchner, Mary Lou Gallagher, Chris Goodall, Mary Dana Prescott, Jennifer Kick.

NODA’s Board welcomes all comments and opinions regarding NODA activities, shows and policies. Please include your name and phone number so we can answer your questions and concerns promptly.   If you cannot attend the meeting, submit your question or concern to Kathy Kirchner, Member Liaison at - or contact Barb Soukup at  


For comments, questions, or problems, please contact the webmaster.

Copyright © 2019
 Northern Ohio Dressage Association All Rights Reserved
NODA is a 501(C)3 Educational Organization      
All donations and contributions are tax deductible.