USDF GMO Award Winning Website
USDF Group Member Organization No. 211
Updated  01/26/2020                    

                     Website Updates

AWARDS Banquet   Wrap-up & News
CALENDAR        Western Dressage Clinic

MEMBERSHIP    2020 Membership Details
                           ONLINE Signup Option


Donations help us promote Dressage Education
& Programs in Northern Ohio

NODA is a 501(C)3 Educational Organization 
 Donations are tax deductible

 Learn More About NODA

    FAQ & FORMS               NODA E-News                  LIKE & Follow NODA on        

    Board Meetings - Members Welcome!               Questions/Comments?    E-mail MemberRep@nodarider.org

    NODA & Big Dee's Bonus Bucks  Program       NODA Logo Apparel Order Form    

Western Dressage Clinic with Joann Williams

Presented by NODA at Brecksville Stables

Registration Opens:  March 1     Closes:  April 15

Clinic Flyer          Rider Registration Form

Auditors Welcome, $10 per day

2020 -  Issue 1

View NODA News
Archived Newsletters

USDF Connection Magazine         USDF YourDressage (need USDF App to view)

USDF e-News    National      Region 2      Youth Corner

Northern Ohio Dressage Association ---  USDF Region 2 GMO No. 211

USEF Equestrian Magazine                  Equestrian Weekly Newsletter  
Youth Programs                USEF Safe Sport          Complete List of 2018-2019 USEF Rule Changes  

NODA Logo Stylish Apparel
Order from Big Dee's  More Info

NODA & Big Dee's Bonus Bucks Program
Learn More

The Dressage Foundation (TDF) 

Pursue Your  Dreams!

Grants Available 

Advertisers & Sponsors

Submission Guidelines- Ads & Photos                  Advertising Request Form (*)                         Classified Ads
(*) Advertising Rate Increase Effective 1/1/2020)    

North Crest



Topline Stables
at Walden

 NODA Logo Stylish Apparel     Order from Big Dee'sTack & Vet Supplies     Order Form

 NODA & Big Dee's Bonus  Bucks Program     
Learn More   
Please Support our Advertisers and Sponsors with your Business!
Northern Ohio Dressage Association
USDF Region 2 GMO No. 211


Ride Smart & Protect your Brain
It's the cool thing do to!

NODA Supports USDF & USEF Rules that ALL riders wear ASTM/SEI
Certified Protective Headgear when mounted on a horse.  

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Website Questions?   E-Mail Webmaster        Other Questions/Comments?  E-Mail MemberRep@nodarider.org

About NODA    Contact Us    FAQ & Forms    Membership    Newsletter    Scholarships     Top of Page

Copyright © 2019      Northern Ohio Dressage Association All Rights Reserved 
NODA is a 501(C)3 Educational Organization      
All donations and contributions are tax deductible.